Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and Global Economic Collapse

On the eighteenth of February 2011, the Cornel University Library reported a quantum natural revelation by two Chinese researchers from colleges in Mongolia. The researchers utilized science to clarify why proteins were collapsed in an unusual manner inside DNA, in resistance of the twentieth Century's logical perspective. 

A concentrate from the book entitled, Science-Art and Human Survival Technology, distributed 10 years sooner by the Science-Art Research Center of Australia, had anticipated the revelation made by Liaofu Luo and Jun Lu. A concentrate from the book referencing cell layer follows.importance of physics "Developmental bearing is given by the continually changing states of the advancing protein, which when estimated, shows that it is pushing toward all inclusive boundlessness." This idea is in resistance of the Einsteinian perspective. 

The properties of the fluid gem optic development of the cell layer, at nano-scale, are considered to see the presence of holographic reality. This mindfulness is communicated to cognizance through endorphins making a Golden Mean example acknowledgment joy, including an electromagnetic interaction (the Greek Wisdom Through Beauty idea). The changing protein designs are known to communicate parts of endless fractal calculation, which, in old Mesopotamia was called consecrated math. The calculation's relationship with the plan of living things was instructed to understudies including Leonardo da Vinci, during the fifteenth Century by Fibbonacci and Pacioli, when they acquainted Babylonian math with European civilisation. 

Pacioli summarized this numerical connection to science with his renowned quote"Like God, the Divine Proportion is consistently like itself ", this is realized that today will generally be an outflow of the boundless property of fractal rationale. Such plan math is found in the development of living things, for example, pine-cones, sunflowers and pineapples. The Molecule of Emotion, found in 1972 by Dr Candace Pert, advances by speeding up its atomic development as an endless fractal articulation. The Mesopotamian math would now be able to be connected to a passionate Platonic Greek science called The science for moral closures. Notwithstanding, that specific science was inferred, not from the Babylonian Mystery schools, but rather from Mesopotamia's antiquated Egyptian Mystery schools, as was found by the mathematician, Buckminster Fuller. 

Nanotechnology has uncovered that the contrast between Fuller's discoveries from the Egyptian schools and the numerical discoveries by Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein, gotten from the Babylonian schools, is significant. As Fuller noticed, this distinction is tied in with settling on a decision between Utopia or Oblivion. Bertrand Russell's most well known exposition, written in 1904, entitled A Freeman's Worship, demanded we should persevere through the constant rule of disarray and gloom related with Einstein's perspective. Their common perspective held that the second law of thermodynamics, referred to likewise as the law of widespread bedlam, should consistently administer our logical culture. That law obviously incorporates the science maintaining worldwide financial realism. 

Russell and Einstein demanded that when the universe ultimately transmitted the entirety of its energy out into cold space, at that point all life in the universe should be obliterated. Russell alluded to this hopeless finish to everything, as a "Universe in thermodynamic ruin." However, this idea has been demonstrated to be inaccurate. The new CERN test, distributed by the diary Nature, showed that withering novae in the Milky Way sent inestimable radiation through huge number of long stretches of room time to impact the advancement of life on earth. This vast radiation from novae in the Milky Way makes mists on earth produce downpour. This revelation made disarray inside the European carbon credit economy, which is currently on the place of breakdown. So much for worldwide monetary logic. 

The demise of a dinosaur in antiquated jasper fields created an unsaturated fat fluid gem cleanser, which, when presented to a similar inestimable radiation, started to transform into jasper gems. The sacrosanct calculations can be seen in this interaction and mathematicians have distributed that the glasslike structures structure endless fractal rationale explanations applicable to old numerical legends. 

The mentality of Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein would never have envisioned that such a marvel may exist. Their logical perspective couldn't have ever recommended to them the chance of utilizing science to disclosure the significant physical science laws liable for something like this. To them, no logical clarification of how holy calculation may represent the human legendary instinct that the living cycle continued toward vastness, would have been conceivable. No models of life on earth, being related with the activities of an endless holographic universe, are took into account under their announcement, which held that ultimately all life in the universe should be annihilated. 

In 1990, the Australian Science-Art Research Center's mathematician found the new life energy laws, which was distributed by the world's biggest mechanical examination foundation, IEEE-SPIE Milestone Series, as being one of the incredible disclosures from twentieth Century writing. The Einsteinian desire to die heritage, administering Western culture's advanced education framework, essentially restricted standard science from exploring this disclosure further. In 1995 a global companion survey evaluation of the disclosure, under the support of the Institute for Basic Research in America, declared the revelation of the Center's arithmetic as being pertinent to new physical science laws administering ideal natural development and improvement through space-time. The Einsteinian perspective can subsequently be viewed as dangerous. 

We can acquire a knowledge into why Western culture is obliterating itself, by contrasting the distinction between the love of prevailing strict divinities of antiquated Babylon and of old Egypt. Western arithmetic and material science related the utilization of sacrosanct calculations as having a place with the legendary love of the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar, the Goddess of sex and war. Betrand Russell in his collection of memoirs, composed, that during his youth he was desolate and the lone explanation that he didn't end it all was his desire to study how old science were connected to supernatural way of thinking. 

In Russell's A History of Western Philosophy, he appears to raise the situation with the Goddess Ishtar, albeit the utilization of holy calculations to clarify her legendary presence are amazingly perplexing. He did notwithstanding, become the most noticeable British backer of 'free love', as was distributed inside his book named 'Marriage and Morals'. His arrangement as a teacher at the City College of New York in 1940 was canceled under a court request, which considered him ethically ill suited to instruct at the school. His initial three relationships finished in corrupt public shame, yet his disposition to sexual conduct appeared to be of less importance during his fourth marriage in his declining years. 

Bertrand Russell was a bold individual who got a Nobel Prize for his commitments toward free idea. His own sexual coexistence, related with Babylonian numerical legend in any case, identified with Western logical idea. This comes to be unmistakable when we contrast Russell's discoveries with Buckminster Fuller's disclosures, which were related with the love of antiquated Egypt's legendary Goddess Maat. 

Maat was the Goddess of truth and magnificence who kept the universe from returning to confusion. In Russell's most mainstream paper, entitled A Freeman's Worship, he upheld the inverse, a hopeless, callous love of disarray itself, as characterized by Einstein's mistaken meaning of all inclusive mayhem similar to the Premier law of all science. 

An examination of the impacts of instinctive folklore upon the heath of Babylonian and antiquated Egyptian civilisations, uncovers the monstrosity of the Russell-Einstein improvement of Western science. A 1995 administrative report entitled Sexual perspectives, inclinations and diseases in Ancient Egypt by Robert S Morton, uncovers why worldwide monetary logic is really at the mark of breakdown. With 'adjustment', the Fullerene clinical science proposed by the 1996 Nobel laureates in science can switch this danger to worldwide mankind. A United Nations command guaranteeing that the organization of governments are to be guided by a Platonic-Fullerene clinical ethos, would make all the difference. Aristotle's idea of a moral clinical science, for the strength of the universe, would accommodate his honoring government intended to forestall the annihilation of civilisation, to turn into a reality. 

Praising government, in which individuals endeavored to turn out to be by and by answerable for consistent moral activities, decided by a moral clinical science, would have the option to acquire the supra-innovations that Fuller acknowledged were natural inside the Platonic Science for moral finishes. We can say thanks to Pythagoras for his meaning of otherworldly freedom, which connected it to the idea of light from his examinations at the old Egyptian Mystery schools. Otherworldly freedom is identified with the electromagnet transmission of holographic mindfulness from the cell layer, the All Seeing Eye, directing human advancement. Thomas Jefferson had some instinct of this marvel when he portrayed the Pythagorean idea of otherworldly freedom on the Great Seal of America. 
